I'm all for free stuff but especially when it comes to mopeds and especially when it comes to Sapporo, I love them even if they don't know it!
Either way this should be exciting, chances of winning a moped from a company don't come along to often, I bet the last one was either in the late '70s or early '80s. Not to mention I love Sapporo, their beer is light bodied and its quite sweet with a little bitterness, has a very clean finish to it and is the best thing to have when its hot out. The bikes though look way better then any bike I've ever seen, as for what they are? Seems to be all custom and the consensus on MA is that its a Batavus HS50 frame with Tomos swing arms, forks, and engine(A55), with a Negrini Tank. Did I mention they have 8 mopeds to give away?
This is taken from Sapporo's Facebook Page, awesome sight isn't it?
I do like how Sapporo is trying to market its brand too, being kind of hip in a retro style. For a premium brand, Sapporo isn't trying to sell their beer like other beers in the sense that your either are 1. a Sports fan 2. a Loud and obnoxious idiot 3. a Hunter 4. Out to party and get wasted 4. to high society 5. get laid 7. pick up chicks. If you look at their photos its for a relaxed party with just friends and thats what kind of interests me on the ad side of things. Even though I just purely like their product and probably buy it more then Bud Lite and any other brand of light beer combined with fufu drinks like Mike's hard lemonade. Its purely the beer that I enjoy even though it'll never be a micro brew but its by far my favorite adjunct lager brewed beer! I'm not one for BMC's even though High Life and Busch are my favorite all around budget beers, I'd still pick up a Sapporo.
Now I bet some of you are questioning me on why I just went on a rant about Sapporo but its beer, I love beer, I love the taste, I love to brew it at home, and I love to share my love for beer to others. When mopeds and beer come together in a purely forum based discussion, I just loose myself in both worlds within the conversation.
I personally plan on taking some photos for this contest, not sure what of but maybe get some friends together and have a few beers. Though I doubt I'll win, still I'd rather have some chance at winning then no chance of winning at all. I'm so excited! Hopefully it ends before the riding season is over...
Hey, I work with Sapporo. Thanks for promoting our photo contest. We're getting a lot of great entries and can't wait to see these babies on the streets! KAMPAI